We are rooted to the physical and spiritual worlds of which we’re a part, in so many ways.

Join us as we seek to discover these roots, as we take this Summer season to explore the natural world around us while forging a deeper connection to the world of Spirit.


“Rooted in Place” is a 12-week interactive online course taking place over 14 weeks, from Beltane May 1st to Lughnasadh August 1st, 2021. Taught by Isaac Vars, the Green Mountain Mage and Psychic Medium Josh Simonds, both of Deep Earth Arts (along with guest teachers!), this course is designed to help you become closer to your Spirits of Place. You’ll explore building relationships with the Spirits on the Land you live with and deepening your magical and spiritual connection with the Spirits around you.

Each week’s material will consist of video and document lessons, meditations, folklore & myths, exercises, rituals, and even a little bit of science and naturalism. You’ll also be part of a private Facebook community and you’ll receive a box of materials and supplies to help you through the course!

relationship ~ Spirit

Place ~ Community

Magic ~ Nature

Course Description

Week One - May 1st


Four Directions, Three Worlds, One Tree

Week One will be an in-depth exploration of the Spirit World and how it overlaps and interacts with our natural world, as well as principles of natural magick, including directions and classical elements.


Week Two - May 8th


A Song of Creation

Week Two will cover the beauty of ritual and art and discovering how they both can help you to better come into relation with the Seen and Unseen Worlds around you.


Week Three - May 15th


Roots of Earth Week One

This week is all about the Spirits of your home and your property (even if you live in an apartment!) Come into closer relation with the Spirits of your house and the land on which you call home.


Week Four - May 22nd


Roots of Earth Week Two

Week Four explores the idea of the bones beneath our feet that are stones, rocks, boulders, and bedrock. We will also focus on dirt sorcery and the idea of Earth Grids, Ley Lines, and Dragon Lines.


Week Five - May 29th

Memorial Day Break


Week Six - June 5th


Roots of Green Week One

This week is all about trees: trees in folklore, trees in spirit, trees as part of the spiritual and physical landscape around you, and how to make friends with them! Seriously, though.


Week Seven - June 12th


Roots of Green Week Two

Plants, herbs, flowers, gardens, and more! Week Seven brings us into sensuous contact with the world of plant spirits and how they can be allies to us, and we to them.

Week Eight - June 19th


Roots of Fire Week

The week of the Summer Solstice will be all about the Sun and how to interact with the spirit of Fire. The principles of will, intention, and spell-casting will be highlighted this week as well.


Week Nine - June 26th


Roots of Air Week One

Week Nine features exploration of Spirits of Air. How do the Spirits of weather, clouds, rain, and snow all impact our lives in different ways? We also explore mountains as cathedrals to air!


Week Ten - July 3rd

Fourth of July Break


Week Eleven - July 10th


Roots of Air Week Two

The Kingdom of Animals is a Kingdom of Air, and this week explores the idea of Animal Totems, Spirits, and Familiars! How do you interact with the Seen and Unseen Worlds of Animals?


Week Twelve - July 17th


Roots of Water Week One

Week Twelve is a week of exploring rivers and other waterways. July’s Full Moon is on the 23rd, so this week will also be about Moon Magic and dream work!


Week Thirteen - July 24th


Roots of Water Week Two

Week Thirteen explores the idea of liminal spaces, including crossroads, cemeteries, bridges, thresholds, and portals, as well as the idea of working with our Beloved Dead and Ancestors all year long.


Week Fourteen - July 31st


This is the week of Lughnasadh. Bringing all our previous weeks together, this week is about community and how interacting with the natural world of Spirit will help us strengthen and enrich our lives, as well as the lives of those around us. If we’re able, a field trip as a group for local folks to a sacred space!

"Into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul."

~ John Muir

This fourteen-week journey is not only a course, it is an adventure! You can participate even if you live in the middle of a city - you’ll just need to be able to journey to a park. Whether you live in a rural, metropolitan, or suburban place, no matter your experience with magic, no matter what type of spirituality you hold, this is a wonderful chance to bond with the Spirits of your home and region. Learn techniques and practices to help you to come into better relation with the Seen and Unseen Worlds around you.

There are no major hiking adventures involved, so you do not have to be in exceptional physical shape - you only need the ability to take a short walk into the woods or a private natural spot. You simply need an internet connection and Facebook profile to join us! Finally, each course participant (limited to the United States and Canada) will receive a care package of supplies and materials to help you throughout the course.

Meet our Guest Instructors!


Megan Holloway

Megan is a traditional witch, folk artist, and Tarot reader–she has been teaching metaphysical topics for the past seven years, circling deeper and deeper into the potent web of magical art and the work of the hands as charm, devotion, and offering. Megan is so pleased to join Deep Earth Arts for what will surely be an exciting adventure in animistic connection and community!


Maria Neal

Maria has spent countless hours exploring wild places and working with myriad creatures all over North America in her conservation career as a wildlife biologist. Now as a full time artist and magical practitioner these experiences continue to inform her work and fuel the relationships she has with the spirits that inspire her creations and bring a wealth of insight and support to all areas of her life. It is her hope to pass on some of this knowledge and experience to you and to help you forge deeper relations in particular with the spirits of the animals around you!


Anna Shepherd

Anna Shepherd is a professional Tarot reader and teacher who has been studying and working with The Tarot for the past 30 years. She is an initiated Traditional British Witch, a member of the Living Tradition of The Fayerie Faith and lives in the heart of an ancient woodland in a Dorset cobb cottage with her family, a flock of chickens and two cats.As part of her personal practice, her divinatory work is intertwined with her Fayerie Traditionalist Witchcraft and both serve to bring her closer to the wisdom of The Otherworldly Powers.


Dr. Adhi Two Owls

Dr. Adhi TwoOwls is an Artist, Shaman, and Healer. Adhi received her Doctorate in Philosophy & Therapeutic Counseling from the Open University of Complementary Medicine Sri Lanka in 2013 through their affiliate campus in Montreal Canada. For her research into the effectiveness of traditional Indigenous healing on mental and physical health and well-being.

Adhi’s vision is of building healthy communities grounded in the practical application of spiritual principles, creative experience/thought, and Scientific observation/exploration. A healthy world starts with a healthy foundation. Dr. Adhi inspires communities and individuals to become autonomous, sustainable, and integrated with the world around them.

Purchase your seat to “Rooted in Place” below: