“Exquisite Self-Care in Uncertain Times” with Betz McKeown

Thursday, April 3rd & Friday, April 4th, 2025 - 6:30 pm EST

Much of our lives can feel uncertain, some more than others. But it’s safe to say that the days we currently find ourselves living through are the most uncertain in a generation, if not a century.

The news of daily events bombards us like a firehose. We find ourselves disconnected from the ones we love, either through distance or belief. Our communications mostly consist of a few typed words via text or message board. We are preoccupied with social media, doom-scrolling in an effort to keep up with what’s going on around us. We feel lost, ungrounded, and unsure of what to do. All of this contributes to feelings of worry, anxiety, depression, anger, loneliness, grief.

But there are easy, simple ways to rise above these challenging emotions. In this class, we will explore and practice low- and no-cost ways to regulate your nervous system, reset your day, and release these uncomfortable and health-diminishing feelings and replace them with peace, comfort, joy, even bliss. Betz will lead participants in simple exercises, such as self-energy healing techniques and Vagus nerve exercises, that can be done at home on your own, as well as suggestions for activities that you can share with friends and family. Every participant, in-person and virtual, will receive handouts and Powerpoint slides of the information shared in class, as well as downloadable audio meditations and exercises.

More on Betz:

Betz has been an integrative health care provider for 40 years, offering energy and vibrational medicine, transformational coaching, spiritual counseling, intuitive guidance, and sacred oil anointings, as well as classes, workshops, and programs that strengthen her clients’ optimal health, inspire their personal and soul evolution, and awaken their inherent Sacred Sovereignty. In addition to her private practice, she was employed as an Energy Medicine Provider & Patient Coach at Wake Forest Baptist Health’s Integrative Medicine Center in Winston-Salem, NC, working primarily with veterans through the Veterans Administration. Her trainings and certifications include Reiki, Healing Touch, Esoteric Healing, EFT/Tapping, Somato-Respiratory Integration, Integrative Nutritional Health Coaching, Transformational Coaching Method, and Rosa Mystica Mystery School Priestess training.

In her current phase in life as the ElderWise Woman, Betz is redefining her practice as a virtual and physical sacred sanctuary through the YshaYe Sacred Rose Temple to provide healing, integration, and education for all beings, employing the healing arts of Energy Medicine, Coaching, Intuitive Readings, and Anointings. She also creates and sells a selection of sacred tools based on her Celtic ancestry (although they are available for all!), including Celtic Goddess Alchemy™ Anointing Oils and Sacred Paidirean Prayer Beads.

For more information, find Betz online at https://betzmckeown.com/


“Develop Your Own Intuitive Abilities” with Psychic Medium Frank Chodl

Tuesday, April 15th, Wednesday, April 16th, and Thursday, April 17th, 2025 - 7 pm EST

What is ESP? Who has it? Why can THEY do it, but I can’t?

This class will NOT give you psychic abilities. They are not intended to turn anyone into an expert mind reader. Rather the purpose of these lessons is to open additional pathways to deeper listening and understanding. Speak and listen with your head, your heart, and your spirit. Intuitive abilities are innate in every one of us. How many times have you picked up your phone just as the person you were thinking about was calling you? You just need to recognize and develop your own abilities. 

In these three 2-hour classes you will learn about and receive basic training in ESP, Telepathy, and Remote Viewing to reawaken and expand your innate intuitive abilities. Each class will include an in-depth introduction to each of these abilities, grounding and centering meditations, and guided exercises in the practice of these skills. The student workbook covers all the class information, a note taking guide, and step-by step lessons that we will be practicing. It also offers exercises and games that you can do at home, anytime with friends and family, to develop your skills as far as you want.

Oh yeah and be ready to have fun.

More on Frank:

An internationally recognized psychic medium, Frank Chodl’s numerous books, classes, and seminars bring together his expertise in teaching and decades of paranormal experience, along with his love for research and investigation. He first became aware of his abilities when he was only eight years old and was first identified as a “Deep Trance Medium” by the late Lorraine Warren, in 1975. In his work as a psychic medium, Frank has provided countless amazingly accurate and meaningful readings and spirit liftings throughout his career. 

He has been observed by Psychologists, Parapsychologists, and Paranormal Investigators and has done readings and liftings for individuals and groups in private homes, historic inns and hotels, battlefields, and cemeteries. His investigations have taken him around the world to sites like the Forbidden City in Beijing, PRC, the Anasazi ruins in Colorado, the ancient city of Pompei, standing stones and stone circles in the British Isles, Mayan ruins in the jungles of the Yucatan, and islands in the Bermuda Triangle.

“A medium is a go-between, the conduit for interaction between persons living on this physical plane of existence and those who have died. Many mediums like me depend on the aid of entities who are fully aware of both sides of the veil.  They are often referred to as guides or Guardian Angels. Yes, I speak to dead people. Or, more accurately, they speak to me and, with the help of my Guides, a collective who I call ‘the Marie’, I translate for them.”

For more information, visit www.FrankChodl.com


“Spirit Love: Intimate Encounters with Spirit” with Lee Morgan - Wednesday, April 23rd, 2025 - 6 pm EST

Sex and love with spirits seen as the Fair Folk, the dead, imps, called succubi, incubi, or devils, is just as common in records of witchcraft and seership as harming, feeding, tending, and mending. These bonds were of great interest to interrogators. Some types of encounters were considered dangerous even to layfolk, especially those involving the Good Neighbours. Here we will talk about ways to encourage intimate encounters with spirits, how to make the situations as safe as possible, and avoid harm. But also look at how different spirits are after different things from you. Sexual exchanges are (usually!) not about reproduction, but the exchange of other qualities between human and spirit. Having an understanding of this in itself makes the person safer when they set out to explore the world of spirit love. 

-Make bonds with spirits that are fulfilling

-Understand how your body signals are a language

-Forge strong connections to support you in these difficult times

-Work on pre-existing spirit relationships and deepen finesse.  

More on Lee:

Lee Morgan lives on a communal homestead on kunanyi/Mt Wellington, where he teaches witchcraft and raises books, people, and ideas from the grave. He has had novels and non-fiction published by Collective Ink Books, The Witches Almanac, Three Hands Press, and Rebel Satori with an upcoming book by Crossed Crow Books. Highlights of his career have involved speaking at Watkins Books in London, being paid to do beloved research, and participating in the People's Library installation artwork in Hobart. He has held an office in his coven for decades and walked with many people through the processes of learning witchcraft, and being initiated by it. Having survived an enormous tumour that doctors warned might threaten his intellect, and a series of related complications, Lee currently is busy filling the room in his skull with new brains, writing Folk Horror, and queering the world one step at a time.

Learn more at www.leemorganbooks.com


“Angelic Magick” with Christopher Penczak - Thursday, May 22nd, 2025 - 7 pm EST

Discover the magical power of the angelic realm with teacher, author, healer, and founder of The Temple of Witchcraft
Christopher Penczak!

Learn the traditional categories of angels, along with modern interpretations, and use ceremony and meditation to contact the archangels, with particular emphasis on Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael and the four elements of creation. Explore the ancient cultures' knowledge of angels as divine messengers and architects. Call upon the archangels in magical circles for healing, manifestation and meditation. Understand the role of your Holy Guardian Angel and how to invite your angels into your life. 

More on Christopher:

Christopher Penczak is a modern Witch working in the Temple of Witchcraft tradition and community he helped co-found. His practice focuses on the intersection of Love, Will, and Wisdom as an ethos for today’s Witch, and focuses upon relationships with the plant realm, the patterns of astrology, traditional occultism, and the use of trance in the Craft. He is the author of many books, including the award winning Temple of Witchcraft series, The Plant Spirit Familiar, and The Mighty Dead, as well as the co-owner of Copper Cauldron Publishing. Christopher keeps an office in New Hampshire and sees clients in-person and online for readings, healing, and personal consultations. His vision is of an evolving Witchcraft culture making magick accessible to all, yet preserving the heart of the mystery.

For more information, visit www.christopherpenczak.comand www.templeofwitchcraft.org.