Sacred Songs
Who Ya Gonna Call?
Friday Night Rattle Making
Shamanism, Shamanic Adventures, Sacred Sound, Personal Work, Winter MusingsIsaac VarsShamanism, Deer, Rattles, Sacred Creation, For Love, Trancework, Offerings, Talking To Spirits
A Tale of Rattles, Drums, and Hallucinations
Sacred Sound, Shamanic Adventures, HealingIsaac VarsRattles, Drums, Journeywork, Healing, Shamanic Tools, shamanic experience, Shamanic Apprentice, Theta Brainwaves, Assateague Island
Stories and Magic
Creating and The Divine
Magic Theory, Sacred Sound, Shamanism, DruidryIsaac VarsAwen, Sacred Creation, Inspiration, Fire in the head, Revival Druidry, Shamanism, Cerridwen, Adhi Two Owls
Raising My Voice