Animal Totem Tarot

Animal Totem Tarot


Journey into the realm of the animals and discover the messages that await in spirit.

Animal totems are powerful allies and guides for those who seek connection to their abundant energy. Soaring above or swimming below, crawling along the earth or silently stalking in the shadows—all the animals have their own spiritual lessons and insights to help you along your way. In all their grace and wild beauty, animals possess wisdom beyond words. Let them speak to the deepest part of you.

Leeza Robertson (Las Vegas, NV) is the author of Tarot Court Cards for Beginners and Tarot Reversals for Beginners, and she’s the creator of two tarot decks, the Mermaid Tarot and Animal Totem Tarot. When she doesn't have her nose inside a book or her fingers dancing across a deck of cards, she runs her online class called the Moonbeamers, which focuses on tarot and the moon's cycles.

Eugene Smith is an illustrator born and raised in California and now residing in Chicago, IL.

He decided that all that time spent doodling in notebooks and scribbling on walls should be put to good use, and so he pursued a BFA in painting and drawing from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco.

His work has appeared in books, editorials, tarot card decks, and educational graphic novels. He lives with his lovely wife, two children, and an odd dog.

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